The Base of Knowledge of the Warsaw University of Technology contains details of scientific articles, implementation reports and all the research carried out at the Warsaw University of Technology. It gives access to information on publicly funded research reports, defended doctoral dissertations, didactic activity and diploma theses completed on both, first and second degree studies.Additionally, the system stores data on the scientific achievements of employees and students, collected in accordance with the requirements for the assessment of employees and education institutions.The digital copies of the documents, including monographs, articles, book chapters and reports, are stored in ‘the PW Repository’. Furthermore, as an important part of the system, the repository contains the documents stating the basis for awarding degrees and scientific titles. Access to these files may be limited, as it’s based on the agreements between authors of the work and institutions with the rights of ownership (these may include publishers or research funding institutions).
The Base of Knowledge was developed for the purpose of providing easy access to information about all the research conducted at the University, as well as on the specialization of research units and administrative workers. The system acting as a communication platform between the Warsaw University of Technology and research financing institutions is successively made available from 2013. All the University institutions, conducting scientific research and engaging in teaching activities are responsible for the regularity and completeness of data collected by the system.
Koncepcja i projekt techniczny Bazy Wiedzy PW opracowane zostały na Wydziale Elektroniki i Technik Informacyjnych PW w ramach projektu PASSIM (realizacja w ramach zadania badawczego SYNAT finansowanego ze środków NCBiR). Za organizację prac związanych z wdrożeniem projektu, takich jak: przygotowanie podstaw prawnych wdrożenia, prowadzenie szkoleń oraz weryfikacja danych w istniejących wcześniej w PW bazach dorobku naukowego, odpowiada Biblioteka Główna PW (zadanie dofinansowane ze środków ministerstwa).
BGPW – M. Lewandowska-Tranda, tel.: 22 234 6074, e-mail: repozytorium.bg@pw.edu.pl